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Thurs. 3/27, p.7Time to start drilling scales for NYSSMA. Review C, F, Bb, Eb, G, D and A major Scales. Play with vibrato and a big sound. New scales: E and Ab. Then, work on a tricky section of Undertow or your NYSSMA Solo. It's GO TIME for your NYSSMA solo! Work on Mvt.6 this week - all notes and rhythms. Make it a goal to have your entire solo's notes and rhythms learned by April break. Then, you will have time to polish and make it really shine, musically, in time for your audition. Undertow: M to the end at q=250 for muscle memory. Be able to play your part confidently by yourself. Listening is an important part of growing as a musician. Put our concert music and your NYSSMA solo on your daily playlist. Tues. 4/1, p.3 BASS CLARINETS Thurs. 4/3, p.6
Thurs. 3/20, p.6C, F, Bb, Eb, G, D and A major Scales. Play with a big beautiful clarinet sound!Work on your NYSSMA solo or Undertow. Focus on 1 or 2 phrases and master the finger muscle memory and the articulation. NYSSMA Solo: Make progress each week so that you can reach your goal. Perfect the articulation, dynamics, phrasing and vibrato before speeding up the tempo. Listen to the professional recording as an excellent musical reference to emulate. Up - All with musicality and character. Reference the recording.Undertow - Top thru letter N at 8th note =250. Spend time on this with a metronome. Muscle memory training is needed. Reference the recording.Thurs. 3/27, p.7
Thurs. 3/13, p.3CIRCLE OF 5THS: C, F, Bb, Eb, G, D and A major Scales. Memorize them in the pattern at q=100. Play with vibrato. Work on your NYSSMA solo. Focus on 1 or 2 phrases and master the finger muscle memory and the articulation. NYSSMA Solo: Play through an entire page/movement (you can do it!). Make sure it is perfect before you speed up the tempo (articulation, dynamics, phrasing). Listen to the professional recording as an excellent musical reference to emulate. Undertow N - End at 8th note =250. The expectation is that you will be able to perform your part confidently and correctly. Then we will be successful as a musical team putting all parts together. Selections from Up: Figure out the notes and rhythms. Listen to the recording on Dashboard to help you bring out the personality of the piece. Thurs. 3/20, p.6. *This lesson will be graded out of 10 points
Thurs. 3/6, p.2Play the lowest octave of the F Concert Minor Scale as whole notes. Play with your biggest sound - fill your instrument with air!CIRCLE OF 5THS: C, F, Bb, G and D major Scales in the pattern at q=100.Work on a 16th note section of Undertow. Make sure it is perfect before you speed up the tempo (articulation, dynamics, phrasing). Undertow top - letter M. The expectation is that you will be able to perform your part confidently and correctly. Then we will be successful as a musical team putting all parts together. Dashboard is loaded with recordings to help you be successful! NYSSMA recordings are listed under Documents, then NYSSMA 2025, then NYSSMA Solo Assignments 24-25. Thurs. 3/13, p.3. *This lesson will be graded out of 10 points
Thurs. 1/30, p.3Choose a measure that needs your attention. Play through it 4x correctly for notes and rhythms. Clap it if you need to.Don't Get Around Much Anymore - m. 85-91 is still a weak section. Moten Swing - 97-end is still a weak section. Lil' Darlin - put a metronome on q=72 and work on m.53-61. This is a weak section and we are speeding up. We are out of time...make time for personal practice this weekend. Concert is 1 week away!Tues. 2/4, p.2 Matthew & Zack. Tues. 2/4, p.6 Emma, Nicole, Dhaya, Charlie
Thurs. 1/23, p.2Moten Swing - play through the lead sheet with the backing track.To add more credit to last lesson, fix:

Don't Get - m.67-72, 75-84, and Coda
Moten - 97-end

Be able to play the notes and rhythms correctly by yourself.
Work on the tricky measures of Lil' Darlin'. Go section by section to master the notes/rhythms. Lil' Darlin - All. Be sure to use a metronome at q=72. Keep your "Lazy Swing" tempo honest!Listen to the recordings on Dashboard to hear our arrangement and also the original version played by the Count Basie Orchestra.Thurs. 1/30, p.3
Thurs. 1/16, p.7Don't Get Around Much Anymore Scale Sheet - play the first 4 notes of each measure along with the backing track. This will help you learn to hear the chord changes.Work on a tricky spot in Don't Get Around or Moten Swing. Perfect the fingerings / notes / rhythms and articulation.Moten Swing - All correct notes and rhythms. Listen to the Count Basie recording to help you.Don't Get Around Much Anymore - All correct notes and rhythms. Especially focus on m.67-80 and 83-end. Use www.accompanyu.com to help you practice your individual part.Thurs. 1/23, p.2
Thurs. 1/9, p.6Don't Get Around Much Anymore Lead Sheet - play it along with the backing track.Find a tricky spot in Don't Get Around or Moten Swing. Work on the fingerings/notes/rhythms and perfect them.Moten Swing m.1-72. Be able to play the correct notes and rhythms.Don't Get Around Much Anymore m.1-52. Be able to play the correct notes and rhythms.Listen to the tracks at www.accompanyu.com to help you practice your individual part. Listen to the recordings on Dashboard to hear our arrangement and also the original version played by the Count Basie Orchestra.Thurs. 1/16, p.7
Mon. 11/25, p.2WU Set #1 Option 1 (pg.6) to warm up your tone. Then pg.43 G chromatic scale (all slurred, then slur 2 tongue 2, then tongue 2 slur 2). Start slow and build speed up to q=144+ dsx LEGEND m.105, 108-109, 144-150, and 128 (Cl 1 only). Break it up, slow it down, and play slur 2 tongue 2 to train accurate finger muscle memory. Then speed it up to q=120+ BASS CLARINETS: 51-52, 69-70.LEGEND: Play through the entire song. Focus on beauty of tone - support your sound all the way through to the end of each phrase.SLEIGH RIDE m.71-77, 87-91, 96-98, and 109-110. I'd like to hear you play these measures successfully by yourselfPlease attend our p.9 WE Clarinet practice session on Monday 12/12, p.9Thurs. 12/5, p.3
Thurs. 11/14, p.5WU Set #1 Option 1 (pg.6). Then pg.43 G chromatic scale (all slurred, then slur 2 tongue 2). Start slow and build speed up to q=120+ LEGEND m.105, 108-109, 144-150, and 128 (Cl 1 only). Break it up, slow it down, and play slur 2 tongue 2 to train accurate finger muscle memory. Then speed it up to q=120+ BASS CLARINETS: 51-52, 69-70.LEGEND: Play through the entire song. Focus on beauty of tone - support your sound all the way through to the end of each phrase.ON THIS DAY: Play through the entire piece at q=80. Make the clarinet feature sections confidently beautiful.It is vital that you can play all of your concert music confidently, and beautifully, by yourself. Let me know how I can help you.Wed. 11/20, p.6
Thurs. 11/7, p.3Long Tone 2 (pg.5), WU Set #1 Option 3 (pg.6), WU Set #2 Option 1 (pg.7). Play through the Mozart Eine Kleine to keep it under your fingers. LEGEND: Practice all fast technical measures. Break them up into smaller portions to train accurate finger muscle memory.LEGEND: Spend time on the chromatic scale passages. Be sure to use the correct alternate fingerings. Be able to play confidently by yourself.LEGEND. Play through the entire piece. Make the lyrical sections beautiful. Use a metronome. Make sure your articulation is precise.Put Legend on in the background as you do HW or chores. Thurs. 11/14, p.5
Wed. 10/30, p.2Long Tone 2 (pg.5), WU Set #1 Option 3 (pg.6), WU Set #2 Option 1 (pg.7).Ab concert scale memorized in the pattern on pg.26 at q=100.Ab concert 3rds in 8th notes at q=100.Legend = Work on finger muscle memory for the fast runs. Be precise and then add speed. All melodic phrases beautified, all articulation crisp. Make time to practice. Spend time on the Mozart Eine Kleine, too. Practice with a metronome and work out the tricky finger sections.Thurs. 11/7, p.3
Thurs.10/24, p.7Long Tone 2 (pg.5), WU Set #1 Option 3 (pg.6) WU Set #2 Option 1 (pg.7). Ab concert scale memorized in quarter notes at q=100.Ab concert 3rds in quarter notes at q=100.Legend, all. Focus on m.90-end.Be able to play your part confidently with a metronome. Be sure your chromatic fingerings are correct.Wed. 10/30, p.2
Thursday 10/10, p.5Long Tone 1a and 1b. WU Set 1 Options #1 and #2.F, Bb, Eb concert scales memorized in the pattern at q=100. F, Bb, Eb concert 3rds in 8th notes at q=100.Legend m.1-47 with confidently correct notes and rhythms.Video assessment #1 will be filmed at your lesson on Thursday 10/17, p.6.Thurs. 10/17, p.6
Wed. 10/2, p.3Foundations book: pg. 4 Long Tone 1a and 1b at q=80. pg.6 Warm-Up Set 1 Options #1 and #2 at q=100.Foundations book: pg.10+12+28 Memorize the Concert Bb, Concert F and Concert Eb Scales in the pattern at q=100. Use a metronome to keep your tempo steady.Concert Bb 3rds (pg.11), Concert F 3rds (pg.13), and Concert Eb 3rds in 8th notes at q=100. Use a metronome to help you keep a steady tempo.Legend of the Sword m.1-47, with confidently correct notes and rhythms, at the indicated tempi. Use the recording to help yourself hear where your part fits.Take some time to pull apart the fast fingering sections of Legend. Work slowly with a metronme to make sure your fingers are accurate and in time. Thursday 10/10, p.5
Wed. 9/25, p.2Foundations book: pg. 4 Long Tone 1a and 1b at q=80. pg.6 Warm-Up Set 1 Options #1 and #2 (use your AIR to help you move smoothly between the high and low notes) at q=80.Foundations book: pg.10+12+28 Memorize the Concert Bb, Concert F and Concert Eb Scales in the pattern at q=100. Use a metronome to keep your tempo steady.Concert Bb 3rds (pg.11), Concert F 3rds (pg.13) at q=100 with varied articulation. NEW Concert Eb 3rds (pg.29) in quarter notes. Use a metronome to help you keep a steady tempo.Legend of the Sword m.1-47. Use the recording to help yourself hear where your part fits.Make time to practice 10 minutes a day. Make an appointment with Ms. Kluga if you have questions.Wed. 10/2, p.3
Wed. 9/18, p.7Foundations book: pg. 4 Long Tone 1a and 1b at q=80. (All fingering questions have been answered - be sure you are correct). pg.6 Warm-Up Set 1 Option #1 and #2 (use your AIR to help you move smoothly between the high and low notes) at q=80.Foundations book: pg.10+12 Memorize the Concert Bb and Concert F Scales in the pattern at q=100. Use a metronome to keep your tempo steady.Concert Bb 3rds (Foundations Book pg.11) and Concert F 3rds (pg.13) at q=100 with varied articulation. Use a metronome to help you keep a steady tempo.Pep Band MusicAttend the guided practice session Tues. 9/24, p.9. Practice 10 minutes a day to work on muscle memory and finger accuracy. Wed. 9/25, p.2
Fri. 9/13 p.6Foundations book: pg. 4 Long Tone 1a and 1b at q=80. pg.6 Warm-Up Set 1 #1 and #4 at q=80.Foundations book: pg.10 Memorize the Concert Bb and Concert F Scales in the pattern at q=100.Concert Bb 3rds (Foundations Book pg.11) and Concert F 3rds (pg.13) at q=80-100 with varied articulationHey Song, Land of 1,000 Dances, Seven Nation Army, YMCA, 25 or 6 to 4, Stand Up and Cheer, Uptown FunkDo you want to do a Clarinet Choir? If so, please stop by to look at some music choices.Wed. 9/18, p.7
Summer Reminders and Dashboard Practice TipsClick on Documents, then on Scales. Open the Scales with Fingerings doc and review the Concert Bb Scale, the Concert F Scale (the lowest octave), and the Concert Eb Scale.If you need a fingering chart, click on Lesson Resources, and then on the Fingerings doc.Click on Professional Recordings to help you listen to and learn our new Concert Band music and Pep Band songs!SO excited to share our music! Go to Documents, then Pep Band. Have fun learning: YMCA, Hooked on a Feeling, Stand Up and Cheer, Star Spangled Banner (by Standridge), Hey Song, Seven Nation, and Kernkraft 400. Fun new Concert Band songs are also posted!Save the date for our YHS Band Retreat! Tues 8/27 from 1-8pm at YHS. All students are requested to attend. We will have fun playing games, rehearsing, have dinner and then enjoy our Music Dept. Ice Cream Social. Excited to see you there!YHS Band Summer Socials at West Point! Join me on Sat 7/6 for their Independence Day Concert, and Sun 9/1 for their Labor Day Concert - both feature fireworks over the Hudson! More info: https://westpointband.com/calendar.html